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Women4Cyber Finland is a non-profit association whose mission is to support women in Finland to find employment in the field of cybersecurity, thus increasing diversity and equalizing the existing gender imbalance. Women4Cyber Finland officially represents Finland, acting as one of 28 chapters operating at the European level.


We take a stand in social discussions, organize networking events, offer support and share topical information in cooperation with our support members and collaboration partners.

The Board

The board's role is to see that the actions are based on the set goals. Among the members of the association's board, the chairwoman and the Director of Operations have the most active and responsible role in the association's activities.

Please note: the Board does not coordinate or promote events.

Contact the Board:
hallitus [at]
Our Mission

Our mission

Share and maintain information, be supportive and guide, recognize, promote and create community through action.


Our vision

A more diverse and inclusive cyber industry in Finland, where everyone has the opportunity to create a career utilizing their own strengths.

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