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EWICSFI23 agenda

Make sure not to miss what interests you the most; the participants have the opportunity to transition between two themes, Aspiration in the afternoon and Inspiration in the evening, merging their aspirations with the inspiration they find along the way. Please note the language of each agenda item.


12:45 Doors open


13:15 Opening words (EN)
@ Auditorium 

Noora Hammar

Founder & President

Women4Cyber Finland

14:00 "Kyberturvallisuuden opinnot" (FI)
@ Auditorium

Satu Koskinen

IT Director, CIO

General unemployment fund YTK

14:45 Abbreviation Bingo 🎯(EN)
@ Auditorium

Join the first bingo session starting at 14:45 and the second at 16:15!

16:15-17:30 Break & refreshments 🍪🥤
@ Tapahtumatori

As the Aspiration theme of EWICSFI23 is heading to an end, take a break, network and get ready to be inspired!

13:00 The event kicks off!

Make sure to head to the Auditorium first.

13:30 "Women in tech - a personal story" (EN) @ Auditorium

Kirke Saar

CIO, Head of IT

Nordic Investment Bank

14:30-17:00 Workshopping 💬💡

14:45-15:15 and 15:45-16:15: LinkedIn Workshop (FI, EN)

@ XES Corner

14:45-16:30: Career speed dating (FI, EN)

@ Tapahtumatori

Ongoing: CV clinic (FI, EN)

@ room 1219

15:30 Paneelikeskustelu: uratarinoita ja pohdintoja kyberturvallisuudesta alana (FI) @ Auditorium 

Keskustelussa panelistit jakavat niin omia ajatuksiaan alasta ja sen parissa työskentelystä, kuin kertovat oman uratarinansa. Kenties saamme kuulla myös hyödyllisiä vinkkejä!

Panelisteina Lea Viljanen, Leena Pöntynen, Pauliina Karjalainen sekä Susanna Haavisto.

Paneelin moderaattorina toimii Noora Hammar.

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17:30 "The failures teach us more than the wins" (EN)
@ Auditorium

Benjamin Särkkä

Hacker, CEO & Visionary Leader in Cybersecurity

18:15 "Stereotypiat rikotaan monipuolisilla kyberurilla" (FI)
@ Auditorium

Jarna Hartikainen

Head of Preparedness Planning Unit

The National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA)

19:15 Role Model of the Year 2023 Award Ceremony ✨🏆 (EN)

Announcing the winner of Women4Cyber Finland's Role Model of the Year 2023.

20:00 EWICSFI23 ends; was nice to have you with us! 👋 🫶

Share your highlights from the event on social media #EWICSFI23 #W4CFI

18:00-18:15 Short break

Head back to the Auditorium!

18:45 "What’s the Worst That Could Happen?" (EN)
@ Auditorium

Christine Bejerasco



19:30 Closing words

Women4Cyber Finland's volunteers

Meri and Sanna


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